Health programmes - communications, change & procurement
Paul cut his ‘health’ teeth developing and implementing the comms strategy for the successful migration of an operational hospital into the new Wellington Regional Hospital. A fanatic at always inspecting what he expects Paul’s QA extended to wandering the carpark and nearby streets checking key communication assets were in place, as promised. He was soon in demand for range of other change programmes in the sector, including workforce analysis of medical physicists.
Multiple assignments with the Ministry of Health have seen Paul providing a range of advice and support to numerous strategic procurement programmes requiring something different in terms of innovative stakeholder engagement. Most recently this required Paul to turn his hand to working with the health teams and providers to facilitate the procurement of a range of specialist mental health and addiction team, often rolling his sleeves up to work on the underlying service specifications, event manage wananga and author/edit a range of business cases and communications.
Paul’s wider toolbox and this health sector experiences has resulted in some interesting adventures… running Otago Medical School annual leadership & change lectures for final year Psychiatric Registrars. Paul has also provided creative input to Holland’s UMCG Ambulanceorg service and a range of New Zealand health programme infographics.
Paul’s recent lived experience of being a direct care-giver to a tangata whaiora/consumer of secondary mental health services provides added insights and an appreciation of this key health service area.